Calculate inrush current of roller shutter motor

Reading time: approx. 3 minutes (for all variants)

The maximum load we specify refers to the normal load during operation. However, a motor always has a higher inrush current during the first 20-30ms, which cannot be directly identified from the data sheet of a roller shutter motor.

You can calculate the inrush current of your roller shutter motor as follows:

Nominal current = power / 230V
Maximum current = rated current x 1.414
Inrush current = maximum current x 2

For a motor with a rated power of 120W, the calculation would look like this:

Rated current: 120 W / 230V = 0.52A
Maximum current: 0.52A x 1.414 = 0.74A
Inrush current: 2x 0.74A = 1.48A

A roller shutter motor with an output of 120W / 0.52A already has an inrush current of 1.48A which is applied to our roller shutter relay for 20-30ms.

Please ensure that the inrush current of your roller shutter motor is below the maximum load of our roller shutter relay to prevent damage. If the inrush current is higher, please also use a suitable isolating relay between the roller shutter motor and the roller shutter relay.

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